The practice of Vedic Meditation is simple, natural and effortless and is a most effective practice in removing the prime cause of illness and disease, which is stress. It releases it from one’s own physiology, which is where stress is stored. This liberates us, setting us free from the burdens of an over stressed system.
What is Vedic Meditation?
Vedic Meditation is an ancient mantra-based meditation practice which comes from a body of knowledge called The Veda which originated in India over 5000 years ago.
Indian yoga, meditation, healthcare and philosophy all come from the Veda.
It is an entirely non religious practice. You can be of any race and from any religious or non religious background.
It is a simple twice daily practice.
All you need to be able to do is find a comfortable place to sit for 20 minutes with your eyes closed.
When you learn to meditate you will receive your mantra. During meditation you think this sound repeatedly in your mind. This softens and quietens the mind and body giving it space to breathe.
The power of Vedic Meditation lies in its subtle release of systemic stress during the practice.
Anyone can do this practice. It is intended to be a tool for any lifestyle, in any culture and to become part of anyone’s daily routine.
You will get the most benefit by committing to this twice daily routine. It will soon become as natural and as necessary as satisfying your thirst.
Once you have learnt this simple practice, it will be a friend for life and you can keep exploring the influence it has on your experience of the everyday through regular practice or through further study if you choose.
There is no need to change anything about yourself. Just do the practice and carry on with your life as normal. Your experience of life will begin to improve swiftly, steadily and with ease.
After establishing a practice further courses, such as Exploring The Veda are available to you. You will also be eligible to join any Vedic group meditation worldwide in person or online where you can ask questions and listen to further knowledge from the Vedic perspective.

What are the benefits of meditation?
Deeper Rest
Meditation allows the body deep rest. This helps the nervous system to purify, reducing the presence of stress and anxiety. With reduced stress levels sleep is more profound and waking hours more energised and productive.
A Clearer Mind
Regular meditation results in the release of bliss chemicals which make you feel calm and relaxed. This makes space for an expanded awareness improved memory. and an increase in your concentration and creativity.
Improved Relationships
With this rested, calm and expanded awareness you will start to be able to take a step back from your immediate emotional reactions so that you can respond to situations with more understanding of yourself and others.
Reduced stress levels mean that your immune system can function uninhibited. As a result this improves physical and mental well being and reduces the likelihood of chronic illness and dependency on medication, alcohol and drugs.
“I thought I was not an obvious candidate for meditation as I believed that you needed focus and this was not one of my strengths. I had heard about various methods over the years and, although curious, I regarded peace of mind, reduced stress levels and more energy as difficult things to achieve. It also looked to me like you needed to be spiritual or you needed your own mountain top retreat to experience what it was offering. Then I learnt this simple practice in London and immediately things changed”.
— Michael
Contact me.
I offer a free in person or online introductory talk where I will expand on the practice and how I became a teacher.
You will be able to ask me any questions you may have.